Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Whirlwind of Excitement!

Loads has happened since I last updated. Its been a busy time for me up here in the Knife. Broomball is still going really well and I actually have a few skills so I am hopeful that I will make the final team. All that depends on the schedule of my new undertaking... I signed on to become a volunteer firefighter. I was pretty nervous about it but it seems like its something that will be totally worthwhile. Before I could start the classes though we had to pass the physical test. It was torture!
The first exercise was on the ladders. We had to raise a ladder from the ground and then raise the fly to its full height. That was really easy, I have been painting for a while so I understand the weight distribution of ladders.
Following that we had to run 1.5 miles in 13 minutes. I was well on my way to completing this task when someone walked by and kicked the plug causing the treadmill to turn off. Rather than making me restart I had to run .5 miles in 4 minutes. I was at almost 10 minutes when the machine turned off so I had to run faster for longer which was disappointing.
After a 5 minute rest I was suited up in full gear including SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus) and had to complete a left or right hand search of the smoke house. I did this while essentially blindfolded. After finding the dummy I had to wait there for 10 minutes essentially testing for claustrophobia. After the 10 minutes I had to drag the dummy out of the building.
Next up came the true challenge of the test. In full gear including a "high rise kit". The kit weighs about 50 - 75 pound and holds tools that might be required when entering a burning building. The added weight was about 100 - 125 pounds. We were still in full gear with our SCBA. We had to run to the top of the stairs, three flights, and then back down stepping on every stair on the way down, TWICE! When I got to the top the first time I was ready for an extended rest! There were a total of 6 flights of steps and each step was murderous. We had 2 minutes and 20 seconds to complete this.
Following a three minute break we again headed over to the "high rise". We had to run to the second floor and pull up, hand over hand, a hose that weighed about 50 pounds. After pulling it over the railing we had to lower the hose without any slipping. Then we had to run back down the stairs. For this exercise we took of the SCBA. It was helpful but still difficult. We had 1 minute and 40 seconds to complete this.
The next part involved getting equipment from the truck and carrying it around a pylon 50 feet away. First we had to carry two saws. Next were the Jaws of Life. The final item was a dummy. We had to drag it down to the pylon. This dummy must not have been on a diet cause he was a heavy JA-JO! I think we had another minute and 20 or 40 seconds to complete this.
By the time I got to the last drill I was feeling drilled! We had to hammer a 4 foot metal beam down a track about 4 feet. It was supposed to take 22 seconds. I managed to giterdone in 53 seconds of agony! I felt like my arms were going to fall off and I would have to use my feet to kick the beam down the track! I was making so much noise by this point that people across the fire hall came over to make sure I was still moving and alive. But I finished and that's all that matters. I was scoring perfect until the final drill so my final score was 12/14. I was pretty pleased with myself.
The real kicker though was that right before I started there was a guy that was just finishing up his test. He was hammering away on the steel beam when he lifted the hammer and simply face planted almost passed out! That didn't help my confidence much to say the least. People were running over with ice packs trying to cool him down. He might have made his way down to the hospital...
So I passed and the training started Friday night with some administrative things that needed to be taken care of. Saturday morning bright and early at 8 AM the classes started and they aren't as intense as I expected but there is a lot of information to be absorbed! We get to practice on the different equipment though which is nice. I still remember my first ever visit to a fire hall when I was in kindergarten. I was hanging off the back of the truck and swinging around I smashed my head off the end of a ladder and poured blood all over my white turtleneck uniform. I was happy to notice that there are now pads on the backs of the ladders protecting people from being idiots! I also remember that in my kindergarten year book when they asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I said a firefighter. I have no idea what possibly possessed me. I guess I thought at the time that any job that lets me swing from trucks and hurt myself must be a lot of fun!
In other news I have found a place to live and will be moving in on October 1st or 2nd. Depending on when I return from the saug. My bro and I are going to share a two bedroom most likely. There is another option but its not for certain at all. The bottom line is that October 1st I will be moving into a place that is permanent! No more crashing with friends... Sadly that means rent prices are raising!
To offset this new expenditure I have started a part time job with a construction company. It is going to turn into a painting job in the not so distant future but for now I am fill nail holes in trim using putty crayons. Its not the most exciting job in the world but it will help pay the bills and hopefully allow me to save much more money. Time will tell how that works out though as I progress. I have a deadline of Sept 26th because they are going to have the final inspection on all 8 units. So I am going to be filling my spare time by filling holes... With the occasional broomball practice thrown in for good measure...
This is a marathon post and I gotta get to bed. Stay happy everyone!

1 comment:

Dave Tran said...

good stuff man. im proud of you. working yourself for the good of the people. keep it up!